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       Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418

Operating and Finance Lease Options - what you should know!

Vehicle leasing offers several benefits to fleets, but not one size fits all financing needs for customers.  There are a myriad of options to choose from when structuring the the best components of an agreement for a commercial truck lease application.  The components impact cash flow, taxes, and vehicle replacement cycles - not to mention the bottom line.  This can make the evaluation process daunting even for a seasoned CFO or a  Director of Fleet operations.

Now is the time to review your lease agreements, fuel procurement programs, tax and related maintenance costs for your fleet.  PR Business Consulting has been active in this area for over 35 years.  Our staff has a team with over 238 years of industry experience, so we know the where to look and how to delivery results to our customers.  With hundreds of customers served, our knowledge is based on the our current activity in the market, current agreement structures, current vehicle engineering/costs, so we set realistic and achievable goals for our customers.

We will address and handle the following:

  • Full Service Lease
  • Programmed maintenance agreements
  • Finance leasing
  • Taxation -Highway use tax and toll analysis and cost effective recommendations
  • Material Handling Equipment, procurement or leasing + maintenance options
  • Invoice and agreement review 
  • Fuel pricing and options for your company

We will provide an independent assessment of your situation, without regard to vendor, brand or geographic location.  With hundreds of customers served, we know the particular of most every market place. 

Call us today so we can assist your company.  Or johnm@prbizcon.com, and one of our consultants will get back to you shortly.